The introduction of a management system is designed to systematise, manage and control business activities. In order to attain this objective, it is vital to have clear internal structures, set targets, define procedures and processes, and introduce tools for monitoring success.
The energy-related activities of the company are controlled by means of an energy management system. The main objectives are to improve the energy efficiency of an organisation and increase its economic efficiency. The European Union and the German federal government are also promoting this topic by defining requirements and linking tax privileges (e.g. reduction in the EEG levy) to documentary evidence of a certified energy management system. Since 2013, electricity and energy taxes (peak balancing) can also only be refunded if proof of an energy management system can be provided.
DIN EN ISO 50001 forms the basis for an energy management system. This Standard defines globally recognised requirements for an energy management system. It can be applied to manufacturing companies, service enterprises and organisations.
Just like all other Standards, DIN EN ISO 50001 lays emphasis on the introduction of a continuous improvement process as a means of attaining each defined objective in relation to the energy performance of an organisation. The continuous improvement process is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle.
For example, an energy policy, strategic and operative energy objectives, and an energy efficiency programme should be defined. An energetic evaluation of the organisation must also be carried out. This also includes a review of the main energy consumers and the formulation of a measuring concept.
Are you interested in introducing an energy management system?
We will be pleased to offer you a free informative discussion to determine the specific requirements in your organisation. Using this discussion as a basis, we will formulate an individual concept for you so that the management system can be introduced pragmatically and successfully.
In order to prepare for the discussion, you can complete and send us the questionnaire that is available in the download area.
If you are interested, please contact us on the following number: +49 (0)711 40 05 31 - 0 or send an e-mail to